Slinger Ball Machine.
Please welcome our newest member to the club!

Following a number of requests, we are excited to let you know that we have purchased a ‘Slinger’ Tennis Ball Launcher (Ball Machine). You may have already seen one of our members using one of these. This Ball Machine is recommended by the LTA, it is lightweight, versatile, portable and can be set up anywhere in a few minutes. It is really easy to use and great fun!
The intention is that this will be available for members to use. Booking will be through the Clubspark booking system. It is worth noting that an hour spent using the Ball Machine will be tiring, so consider sharing the session and cost with others.
The Ball Machine can be used in many ways and the link to YouTube below contains some very useful videos that show different ways it can be used on court to help perfect strokes, improve your game whilst having a good workout!
The Ball Machine comes complete with an oscillator for varying ball direction, a telescopic ball collector tube, remote control and phone camera holder. Around 72 balls will be provided.
An induction on use will be provided prior to first booking. These will be held after club sessions depending on demand. The Ball Machine is available for use now. Please contact a member of the Committee or Coach.
The machine can be booked through ClubSpark as you would book a court and you will find full instructions on how to use the machine on there as well.