Stansted Tennis Club

September 2016 enewsletter

A very busy month, with lots to report!

Pearce Trophy:
12 ladies participated in this doubles tournament, which was held on Friday 2nd September. The final was won by Catherine Gibby and Fiona Pye, who beat Ginette Basten and Debbie Lane 6-3. A bring and share lunch was enjoyed by the players at the end. As there has been a lot of interest in these social Friday tournaments, the committee has decided that we shall run a tournament like this every other month. So, please make a note in your diary that the next one will be on November 18th – entry sheet on display one month before the event.

Maintenance Day:
Many thanks to all of you who turned out for this maintenance session on Sunday 4th September. It’s amazing how much can be achieved in a couple of hours. It is important to remember that the Club is run totally by volunteers and to make things work, we do rely on and really appreciate any contributions of help by members.

Hospital Cup:
The finals of the Hospital Cup took place on Saturday 17 September at Thaxted Tennis Club. Stansted was represented in the mixed final by Ruby Hollis and Simon Playfair. They played our very own Rebecca Doe (representing Grove in the Hospital Cup) and Stuart Mackeonis. In a close fought final, Grove was the victor 7-5, 7-5.
In the other events, Grove (Rebecca Doe) beat Henham (Monica Sutherland) in the ladies’ singles 6-1, 6-0; Grove (Paul Kent) won the men’s singles with a walkover; Grove (Rebecca Doe and Charlotte Harrington) beat Henham (Fiona Price and Monica Sutherland) in the ladies’ doubles 6-4, 6-1; and Grove (Tom Bowers and Dave Sinnet) beat Newport (David Stark and James Stark) in the men’s doubles 6-1, 6-0.
So a clean sweep to Grove and a hat trick for Rebecca. A good day’s tennis all round.
A cheque for £1200 was donated to the League of Friends of Saffron Walden Community Hospital. Thank you to everyone who supported this year’s event either by playing in the tournament, buying raffle tickets, donating to the raffle prize and/or coming to watch any of the matches.

Clower Doubles Junior Tournament:
Sunday 2nd October 1.30pm.
I have so far only received 5 entries. I need a minimum of 12 players, so if you are 15 and under and keen to play, please email me as soon as possible with your entry. The entry fee is £5 per player, plus a contribution to a shared tea.

Next Committee Meeting:
This will take place on Friday 21st October at 7pm at Jon and Ash’s house. If you have any suggestions, please place them in the suggestion box in the clubhouse before the next meeting. As a committee, we really do welcome your views and ideas on any aspect of STC.

Ladies’ Night:
The next Ladies’ Night will be on Monday 10th October starting at 7pm. All ladies welcome!

Cayless Chilli Tournament:
We have 8 ladies and 8 men for this tournament, which will be held at 9.30am on Sunday 9th October. The sign up sheet for refreshments for players will be going up on the noticeboard tomorrow (Thursday). If anyone would like to offer to be a reserve that would be great, just in case anybody drops out. Please email me.

2016 Club Tournament:
A very successful Finals’ Day was held on Sunday 11th September.
The results were:
Ladies’ Singles – Ruby Hollis beat Daphne Lunnon 6-1 6-4
Men’s Singles – Chris Hollis heart Matthieu Glasson 6-4 6-4
Ladies’ Doubles – Ruby Hollis & Daphne Lunnon beat Lisa King & Fiona Pye 7-6 6-4
Men’s Doubles – Phil Berry & Chris Hollis beat Jon Budd & Simon Fox 6-0 6-2
Mixed Doubles – Ross Armorgie & Ruby Hollis beat Simon Fox & Lisa King 6-3 6-4.
Ash Huggonson was voted the winner of the Roger Loveday Trophy for the most improved player of the year.

Mix ’n’ Match 2016/17
The sign up sheet is now up on the clubhouse noticeboard. From Friday 23rd September you will be able to email me to add your name. I think at the last count there were 12 ladies and 7 men who have signed up so far – so come on men, get signing up – we need 16 of each gender.

Essex Small Clubs Results:

Ladies’ Premier:
Stansted 16 Stebbing 0
Pleshey 8 Stansted 8

Mixed Premier:
Stansted 10 Stanton & P. 6
Stansted 13 Henham 3
Stansted 8 Stebbing 8

Mixed 2:
Castle Hill 9 Stansted 7
Barley 7 Stansted 9

Ladies’ 2:
Harlow 13 Stansted 3

The fixtures meeting for the winter season will be on Monday 17th October at 8pm at OSCA in Henham. Chris, Debbie and Fiona P. will be attending.

Best wishes!