Stansted Tennis Club

October 2012 enewsletter

Hospital Cup
This year’s finals were held at Stebbing Tennis Club on Saturday 22nd September. Thanks to all those from STC who supported the day and especially to Jan Hollis and Daphne Lunnon for all their hard work. Unfortunately, Stansted were not represented in any of the finals. The winning clubs were: Elsenham – Men’s Singles, Men’s Doubles and Mixed Doubles. The Grove (Saffron Walden) – Ladies’ Singles. Thaxted – Ladies’ Doubles.

Essex Small Club League latest summer results

Ladies’ Premier
Henham        10 – 6   Stansted

Mixed Premier
Stansted       2 – 14    Stebbing
Stansted       0 – 16    Standon & Puckeridge

The Fixture Meeting for the Winter League was held last Monday in Henham, so be prepared for requests to play from team captains.

IMPORTANT – It has been requested by some players that if weather conditions look to be unfavourable for a match, then early cancellation and communication of this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Dates for your diary.
Sunday 21st October – Cayless Chilli Tournament – 9.30am start.
Sunday 4th November – Pearce Adult Doubles Tournament (replacement date) – 9.30am start.
Monday 12th November – Ladies’ Night – from 7pm.
Please note that the courts will be CLOSED all day on Wednesday 31st October for tree work to be carried out.

Next Clubhouse and Court Maintenance Day
This will take place on Saturday 10th November for 2 to 3 hours from 1pm. Please note that the courts will be closed during this time. If you are able to spare an hour or two to help, please come along and join in. It would be great to see some new faces as well as the regular few who turn up each time.
A BIG thank you to Lisa King who took it upon herself to clean the clubhouse windows last week. Please note the new sparkle when the sun is shining!

At the last committee meeting, the subject of tournaments was discussed. If you have any ideas for different structures for one day tournaments, or if you would like to organise one yourself or with a friend, please let us know.
It was suggested that ladies might be interested in a morning or afternoon Ladies’ Doubles tournament either during the week or at the week-end. Please let me know if you are keen and which days would suit you best.

Why not go to the “Club Session” section of the website and indicate which Club sessions you are planning to attend.

If you wish to contribute to the next monthly enewsletter, please let me have your contribution by 15th November.

Best wishes,