Stansted Tennis Club

November 2013 enewsletter

Cayless Chilli Tournament
This rearranged tournament is due to take place next Sunday, 24th November, starting at 9.30am. Players are still needed for this event. If you would like to play, please either email me, or put up your name on the poster in the Clubhouse.
A decision will be made on Wednesday as to whether or not the tournament will go ahead.

Christmas Social Evening
The Wednesday evening Club Session on December 18th will have a Christmas theme. Mulled wine and mince pies will be served as well as tennis themed quizzes and fun games. The merriment starts at 6pm, so whether you come along to play or just to join in the festivities you will be most welcome.

Sports’ Association Car Park
Recently, there have been problems with our members’ cars being blocked in by footballers’ cars at busy times. Please be aware of this and warn visiting teams that there may be a problem.
If you are involved in a dispute or notice problematic parking, please get in touch with a committee member.

Elsenham Tennis Club Quiz Night
A big thank you to those of you who represented STC at the quiz night on Saturday 16th Nov. It was a very enjoyable evening. We were doing very well until the last round, when it all went horribly wrong.

Essex Small Clubs’ League
Ladies’ 1
Clavering 10 Stansted 6
Stansted 4 Dunmow 12
Stansted 12 Bishop’s Stortford 4

Mixed Premier
Pleshey 4 Stansted 12
Stansted 6 Dunmow 10

Mixed 2
Clavering 5 Stansted 11

Mens’ 2
Stebbing 11 Stansted 5

Next Ladies’ Night
Monday 9th December from 7pm. All ladies welcome!

Next Committee Meeting
Tuesday 26th November at 8pm at 48 Rochford Road, B/S.
Please get in touch with a committee member if you have any issue you would like raised. We are also looking for new Committee members for next year, so again, please do get in touch if you are interested.

Best wishes,