May 2014 enewsletter
Club Tournament
The entry sheets for this year’s tournament are now up on the Clubhouse noticeboard.
Please put your name down for as many events as you are able to enter.
The last date for entries is 31st May.
President’s Cup Adult Doubles Tournament
This will take place on Saturday 14th June, 4.30pm for a 5.00 pm start. There will be a fish and chip supper from Churchill’s. The cost will be £8 per player. If you would like to enter, please sign up on the noticeboard in the Clubhouse. Closing date for entries will be 7th June.
Club sessions
Numbers attending the Wednesday evening and Sunday morning sessions have been dwindling over the last few weeks. Now that the weather is improving, it would be great if more players could come along and join in.
Don’t forget to use the attendance page on the STC website. This is a great tool (if used) to enable you to see who will be going up to each session.
Working Party yesterday
Only 4 members turned up for yesterday’s working party. Many thanks for all the painting, weeding and pigeon poo clearance which was achieved. Please don’t forget that this is YOUR club, run by volunteers, so any help at working parties is greatly appreciated.
Hospital Cup
If you are involved in this tournament, please make sure that you arrange and play your matches as soon as possible.
Mixed Mixed Final
This took place yesterday lunchtime. In a close 3 setter Daphne Lunnon and Rick Lim beat Chris Hollis and Gail Hogg 6-7 (3-7) 6-1 6-3.
Full results will appear in next month’s enewsletter.
Stansted in Bloom
The Tennis Club is entering this village competition once again this year. A First World War themed garden is being developed. Please could all members help out by watering the garden and hanging baskets behind the Clubhouse, especially in the hot weather!
Next Ladies’ Night
This will take place on Monday 9th June starting at 7pm. All lady members are welcome to attend.
Next Committee Meeting
This will take place on Tuesday 24th June at 48 Rochford Road, B/S.
If any member has an issue to raise please do not hesitate to contact a Committee member.
Wimbledon winners
Congratulations to Hugh Rutherford, Pam & Gerry Howley, Ellen Nichol and Lynn Timms who were all winners in the STC Wimbledon ballot. Hope you all have a wonderful day at Wimbledon.
Junior ladder
There are now 18 very keen juniors competing in this competition. A lot of matches have already been played. Please see the weekly updated ladder near the outside noticeboards.
Essex Small Clubs results
Ladies Premier ((winter)
Stansted 11 Standon & Puckeridge 5
Henham. 7 Stansted 9
Dunmow 7 Stansted 9
Ladies ‘ 1 (summer)
Sawbridgeworth 1 Stansted 15
Mixed Premier
Stansted 7 Clavering 9
Men’s 2 (winter)
Henham 0 Stansted 15
Stansted 14 Harlow 2
Best wishes,