June 2017 enewsletter
Don’t forget to have a go at the tennis quiz at the end of this newsletter. There will be a prize for the winning entry!
Floodlight Inspection:
As you may have been aware, the courts were closed recently for a thorough floodlight inspection. The committee is pleased to announce that the report from the company Kiwa CMT Testing, who undertook the inspection, was very favourable.
Adult/Child Tournament:
We have a fantastic entry of 10 pairs for this popular tournament, which will take place this coming Sunday from 1pm.
Next Adult Social Doubles Tournament:
This is due to take place on Friday 21st July, starting at 9am. The entry fee is £5 per player, plus a contribution to a bring and share lunch. Please sign up on the sheet which is now on the clubhouse noticeboard.
Next Committee Meeting:
This will be held at Jan’s house on Friday 4th August at 7pm. If you have anything you would like to relay to the committee prior to the meeting, please either contact a committee member directly or use the suggestion box in the clubhouse. We are still very keen to recruit any members who would like to support us by becoming a “Friend of the Committee”. Please get in touch if you would like to volunteer.
Adult Social Tournament:
12 players took part in this doubles tournament on Wednesday 24th May. Congratulations to Lisa King and Shona Connor who beat Tudor Owen and Pam Howley 6-2 in the final. The Consolation Draw was won by Netti Hayes and Debbie Lane.
President’s Cup:
16 players, 8 ladies and 8 men, took part in this doubles event on Saturday 27th May. A very closely fought final was won by Ross Armorgie and Clare Murfitt, who beat Paul Balas and Fiona Pye 6-5. The consolation draw was won by Jon Budd and Diane Brown. An al fresco fish and chip supper from Churchill’s was enjoyed afterwards by the players.
Club Tournament:
The draws are now up on the clubhouse noticeboard. A reminder to all those taking part this year that all 1st round matches need to have been arranged and played by 9th July. If you are able to play any second round matches, please don’t delay arranging them. Any queries or problems, please get in touch with me immediately.
Stansted in Bloom:
Judging is due to take place this Saturday. With the recent extreme heat, the garden and hanging baskets need constant watering, so if you are up at the club, please help out by using the hose or watering can to drench the plants.
It’s not too late to join any of the ladders. You need to have emailed me by the end of June and I shall add all newcomers at the start of July.
Ladies’ Night:
The next Ladies’ Night will be on Monday 10th July starting at 7pm. All ladies welcome!
Chris is still compiling a list of any Year 2 or Year 3 children who are keen to start coaching in a group. If your name is not already on the waiting list, please get in touch. The response from the current Year 3 has been very poor. If this remains the case, I shall need to look to starting a current Year 2 class when the schools go back in September.
Essex Small Clubs League Results:
Mixed 3
Stansted 8 Newport 8
Mixed Premier
Stansted 6 Harlow 10
Dunmow 16 Stansted 0
Ladies’ Premier
Stansted 16 Dunmow (2) 0
Dunmow (1) 6 Stansted 10
Stansted 11 Standon and Puckeridge 5
Ladies’ 2
Standon and Puckeridge 7 Stansted 9
Thanks to all of you who responded to last month’s e-newsletter quiz. Congratulations to Tudor Owen who won a bottle of bubbly.
Please have a go at answering the four questions below and emailing your answers to me within the next 48 hours. There will be a prize for the member with the most correct answers. If there is a tie, names will be drawn from a hat. You can use any technological device to help with the answers.
1. If the first serve is a fault but then a ball from another court rolls onto your court interrupting the second serve, does the server resume the second serve or start again with a first serve once the wayward ball has been removed?
2. Who defeated Andy Murray in the First Round at Queen’s Club this week?
3. Complete this sequence:
Justine Henin (BEL), Ana Ivanovic (SER), Svetlana Kuznetsova (RUS),…………………………
4. When is the play by date for all First Round matches in this year’s Club Tournament?
Good luck and best wishes,