Stansted Tennis Club

June 2016 enewsletter

Adult/Child Tournament:
This tournament will take place at 1.30pm on Sunday 3rd July. The closing date for entries is Friday 1st July. It would be great to get a few more entries, so please contact me over the next week if you would like to take part.

Bristow Junior Doubles Tournament:
Unfortunately, there were not enough entries for this tournament to take place. I shall try to fix a new date for the autumn.

Hospital Cup:
Please see the email sent out earlier today. In a nutshell, we are looking for donations for our raffle prize donation. So, if you have anything you would like to donate on a Brazil or sporty theme, please place in the box in the clubhouse. Thank you!

Next Committee Meeting
This will take place at Jan’s house, 105 Cambridge Road on Friday 22nd July at 7pm. If any member has anything they would like discussed, please either contact a committee member, or use the suggestion box in the clubhouse.

Ladies’ Night
The next Ladies’ Night will be on Monday 11th July starting at 7pm.
All ladies welcome!

2016 Club Tournament:
Please could all members who have entered this year’s competition make sure they have arranged all 1st round matches.

Essex Small Clubs Results:
Ladies’ Premier
Standon and Puckeridge 2 Stansted 14
Henham 12 Stansted 4
Men’s 2
Stansted 10 Harlow 6
Mixed 2
Barley 16 Stansted 0

Best wishes!