Stansted Tennis Club

February 2015 enewsletter

Dear members,

At the Annual General Meeting , which was held on Tuesday 10th February, the committee was re-elected with no changes. The good news is that subscriptions for the coming year will remain the same as last year. Don’t forget that you need to renew your membership by the end of March to receive the discounted rate. The new forms will be emailed to you very shortly, together with the Chairman’s letter. New membership forms will also be available on the STC website and hard copies in the Clubhouse.

Next Committee Meeting
This will be held at Debbie Lane’s house on Tuesday 17th March at 8pm. If any member would like to raise a question, please get in touch with a committee member before the meeting.

Ladies’ Night
The next Ladies’ Night will be on Monday 9th March from 7pm. All ladies are welcome to come along and join in!

King’s Arms Quiz
We have 5 quizzers for the next one which takes place at 8pm on Tuesday 24th February (next Tuesday)! It’s teams of 6, so just one more needed. If you are keen, please contact me. If we get more, we can send along 2 teams!

Boyd Trophy
This will take place at 9.30am on Friday 20th March. A poster and sign-up form will be appearing in the Clubhouse shortly.

Mix ’n’ Match Tournament
The spring/summer tournament will be starting up soon. Please look out for the sign-up form in the Clubhouse, which will be appearing shortly.

Coaching with Chris
I am hoping to replace the Friday afternoon junior coaching session on a Wednesday, either between 4pm and 4.30pm or 4.30pm and 5pm. If you are not currently part of one of the coaching groups and would be keen to be considered for a Wednesday session, please email me. I can then see which age group needs it most.

Thaxted Tennis Club Quiz Night
Please see the sign-up poster in the Clubhouse. It would be great if STC could put out a team to support Thaxted Tennis Club. It will take place at Great Easton Village Hall, 7.30pm for 8pm start. Tables of 8. £8 per head. There will be a bar, hot food and a raffle.

Essex Small Clubs results
Ladies’ Premier
Dunmow 2   Stansted 14
Mixed Premier
Stebbing 8   Stansted 8
Stansted 3 Dunmow 13

Winter measures
Please note that winter measures in the Clubhouse stay in place until the end of April. Your co-operation in turning off the water supply is greatly appreciate – no leaks or frozen pipes yet!!!

Back in October the Parish Council held a public meeting to inform the community about the benefits of producing a Neighbourhood Plan for the development of Stansted village over the next 10 to 20 years. There was general consensus that this would be a good thing and a Steering Group has now been formed to take this project forward. However, they would still like to have a few more people on board.  If you feel that you have something to offer to the Stansted community and would like to learn more about the development of the Plan, please let Daphne Lunnon (01279 817574 or know. The first meeting of the Steering Group will take place in the Day Centre, Crafton Green, at 8pm on Wednesday 11 March.

Best wishes,