December 2016 enewsletter
Winter measures:
As previously communicated, winter measures involving turning off the water supply to the clubhouse are now in operation. Thank you to everyone for observing this rule.
LTA opting in:
Thanks to those of you who have become British Tennis Members (BTMs) via the LTA website in the last month.
STC now has 130 signed up members (up from 125 last month).
Of these, there are now 92 who have opted in to the Wimbledon 2017 ballot (77 last month).
STC has just over 200 members, so still a long way to go to get everybody signed up!
So, if you have not become a BTM or have not opted in, please just spend a few moments and go to the LTA website to sign up. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me.
Remember, the more opted in members we have, the more Wimbledon tickets we shall be allocated by the LTA. Let’s give it a real push over the Christmas holidays!
Next Committee Meeting:
This will take place on Friday 6th January at 7pm at Fiona’s house. If you have any suggestions, please place them in the suggestion box in the clubhouse before the next meeting. As a committee, we really do welcome your views and ideas on any aspect of STC.
Ladies’ Night:
The next Ladies’ Night will be on Monday 9h January starting at 7pm. All ladies welcome!
Mix ’n’ Match 2016/17
The 2nd and 3rd rounds are now in progress. Please note that all 2nd round matches need to have been arranged and played by Friday 30th December. Please don’t hesitate making contact with your partner and opposition, as it can be tricky finding dates to suit everyone, especially at this time of year.
Essex Small Clubs Results:
Mixed Premier:
Stansted 6 Stebbing 10
Harlow 7 Stansted 9
Stansted 10 Sawbridgeworth 6
Mixed 2:
Henham 7 Stansted 9
Stansted 10 Harlow 6
Castle Hill 4 Stansted 12
Ladies’ Premier:
Stansted 6 Pleshey 10
Ladies’ 1:
Dunmow 11 Stansted 5
Men’s 2:
Harlow 0 Stansted 16
Pleshey 8 Stansted 8
Stansted 15 Pleshey 1
May I take this opportunity of wishing all STC members and their families a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Best wishes,