December 2014 enewsletter
Clubhouse cleaning rota
Just a couple more volunteers needed before the rota is complete for 2015. Please email me. Many thanks to those who have already volunteered.
Festival of Angels and Christmas Trees
There was a wonderful display at St. Mary’s Church over the weekend of 13th/14th December. Many thanks to Sarah Hollis for her creative tennis ball Christmas tree contribution. It is now on display in the Clubhouse.
Mix “n” Match Tournament
Round 2 is almost complete, just one more match to be decided. Round 3 is now underway.
Ladies’ Night
The next Ladies’ Night will be from 7pm on Monday 12th January 2015. All lady members are welcome to cone along and join in.
Essex Small Clubs League
Latest results:
Ladies’ 1
Stansted 1 Dunmow 15
Elsenham 6 Stansted 10
Men’s 3
Henham 7 Stansted 9
Mixed Premier
Henham 7 Stansted 9
Dunmow 12 Stansted 4
LTA British Tennis Membership (BTMs)
The LTA is changing its process for Wimbledon ticket allocation for 2015. You will be hearing more from me once their website has been updated in January.
Basically, for STC to achieve the maximum amount of Wimbledon tickets for next year all our members need to be affiliated to STC as a BTM and must now “opt in” to be eligible for Wimbledon tickets.
You can do this now, by logging in to the LTA website using your personal log in details. I encourage all current BTMs to do this as soon as possible. If you do “opt in” please could you let me know as currently the LTA website does not allow us to see who has or has not opted in.
Winter measures
Thanks to everyone for following the instructions to turn off the water supply after they have played.
Diary Date
The STC AGM will take place on 10th February at 8pm at 105 Cambridge Road. All very welcome to attend!
Wishing all members a very happy and peaceful Christmas and best wishes for 2015!